Behavior and Emotional Support

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
AACAP offers very useful information for any child or family member of a child who has psychiatric needs. This is an excellent starting point for information and advocacy.

Best Point
In 2022, St. Aloysius and The Children’s Home integrated their organizations to become Greater Cincinnati’s most prolific nonprofit specializing in education, behavioral, and therapeutic and autism services for vulnerable and at-risk youth. Today, Best Point provides education and therapeutic treatment for children and their families facing social, behavioral and learning challenges. We also provide consultation services for parents, and conduct training for caregivers and professionals.

Child Development Institute
An excellent site for developmental information, and parenting and behavior resources.

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
Our choice for the best ADD/ADHD web resource. Provides a helpful introduction to this disorder, along with ongoing support and intervention guidance.

Lindner Center of Hope
Lindner Center of HOPE has served as a lifeline to tens of thousands who’ve faced the struggle of mental illness or addiction. Offering a wide range of mental health services and treatments in an atmosphere that promotes long-term healing, we are staffed by some of the nation’s best psychiatric experts.

MindPeace collaborates with many community partners like Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the Hamilton County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, the Community Learning Center Institute, school systems, government agencies, and providers to advocate for customized mental health solutions to better serve our children.

LD Online
Help for children and adults to reach their full potential by providing accurate and up-to-date information and advice about learning disabilities and ADHD.

Ongoing Support Resource Directory
When you have a child who needs healthcare more than typical for any reason, you are faced with the constant challenge of finding resources and support. Let the Ongoing Support Resource Directory, available on the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center website, be your online guide for information. You can easily find resources on topics including: Special Education, Equipment and Assistive Technology, Financial Assistance and Waivers, Homecare and Residential Options, Recreation, Camps and Travel, Support Groups, Online Communities and Advocacy, Transition to Adulthood, and more.

Assessment Forms

Assessment forms are used as diagnostic tools for the evaluation, treatment and medical management of children with problem behaviors. Please note that there are sometimes several forms in each type, including parent, teacher and child completed forms.

The “Contract for Safety” is a tool used for children who have claimed thoughts of suicide.

PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire) and MFQ (Mood And Feelings Questionnaire) Forms
These are for mood and depression. The PHQ is completed in the child’s opinion. The MFQ has parent and child versions.

PSC (Pediatric Symptom Checklist)
This is a general screen to evaluate stress and mood problems. There are child and parent forms.

SCARED (Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders) Forms
These are for anxiety and stress. There are child and parent forms.

Vanderbilt Forms
These are specific for ADHD. There are Initial Evaluation forms and Follow up forms for parents and teachers.

If you are asked to complete any of these or feel the need to evaluate your child before making an appointment, print them, complete them and return in a timely fashion to the pediatrician for study.

To learn about our policies regarding the treatment of ADD/ADHD, please see the Springdale-Mason ADD/ADHD Policy.

More Resources You Can Download Here

Good Sleep Hygiene

Counseling Services

Beech Acres: 513-231-6630
Fernside Grief Counseling: 513-745-0111
CCHMC Psychiatric Intake Response Center (able to provide names of community providers accepting new patients): 513-636-4124
Talbert House: 513-281-2273

Substance Abuse Counseling

ASAP (Adolescent Substance Abuse Program): 513-792-1272
Glad House: 513-641-5530
Cincinnati Rehab Centers: 888-966-8973